About Us
Next Steps is a locked transitional mental health service for working age adults. We are part of Tristone Healthcare and provide gender specific services within Greater Manchester.
We have been part of local mental health services for over 6 years, accommodating up to 7 adults in five small, homely community houses across the Manchester and Bolton area; facilitating specialist, intensive and therapeutic services. Next Steps provides care and treatment for adults, aged 18-65 years, suffering from a wide range of mental health disorders.
The overall philosophy of Next Steps is a simple one. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly to treat residents with respect and where possible offer people choices and assist people to gain a greater control and autonomy of their lives.
Where it is realistic, the rehabilitation programme is directed at increasing the strengths, skills, and knowledge of individual residents so that they can maximise their potential for greater independence. We recognise that the transition from hospital to the community is one of the most difficult and challenging stages in any rehabilitative process. For those residents who do not require secure accommodation yet require a greater degree of support than is offered by most community placements, Next Steps may be considered a ‘place of safety’. Within the safety of our organisation our goal is for each resident to feel valued and empowered. To support them leading fulfilled lives whilst engaging in positive experiences and activities within our organisation, and the wider community.

Next Steps is committed to providing a quality service and quality care to all our Residents.
This commitment is supported by our aims and objectives:
- To offer specialist support, advice, guidance, supervision and prompting to people with mental health problems to enable them to be as independent as possible.
- To promote the health and emotional well-being of persons receiving our service.
- To provide personal care and practical assistance with essential or useful tasks to support people to live in the community, as independently as possible, with a key focus on improved quality of life.
- To ensure every resident’s needs are met with full adherence to their personal life choices, cultural and ethnic requirements, supporting them to live their life how they want to, free from discrimination or harassment of any kind.
- To support residents with respect, acknowledge their rights of personal freedom, choice in daily living, to support and build the personal dignity and self-respect.
- To provide a service that places the resident at the centre of their care, considering their personal needs and preferences. Acknowledging these to ensure each resident can exercise self-determination, choice, and control in their daily lives.
- To support each resident in the recovery model irrespective of whether they require high levels of support at the beginning of their journeys or more minimal support.
- To support all residents to access and participate in activity in their local community and to gain recognition for their positive contributions.
- To safeguard all residents and staff from all elements of abuse and poor practice.
- To build outstanding partnerships with our commissioner clients, users, their families, and our employees.
- To enable employees to further develop their professional care skills, by supporting and providing appropriate training and career development as required.