Management Team
Mohammad Ghoorun
Operations Director
Stephanie Howarth
Registered Manager
Ronald Morris
Home Manager
Ashley House & Kingscliffe House
Luke Sanderson
Home Manager
Ashley House & Kingscliffe House
Stephen Kasule
Home Manager
The Elms
Janet Hood
Deputy Manager
Levenshulme House
Anothula Mabhena
Clinical Lead
Monton House
Katarina Pasztorova
Information Governance & Quality Assurance Lead
Chief Executive Therapy Dog
Chief Executive Therapy Dog
Working alongside the management team is our highly skilled, experienced multi-disciplinary team (MDT) works closely with residents, families, and stakeholders. The MDT comprises of:
- Registered Mental Health Nurses
- Registered General Nurses
- General Practitioners
- Team Leaders
- Support Workers
- House Keepers
The MDT works in collaboration with:
- Independent Advocates who provide individual and group sessions
- Care coordinators
- Enhanced care services
- Community teams
- Physical health specialists
- Local authority
- Service user led community links
- Access to additional psychological services